Retrospective exhibition in Venice

October 29th – December 10th, 2023

Set within the elegant space of the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation in Venice, the exhibition Tracks curated by Stefano Coletto in collaboration with Galerie Alberta Pane is the first comprehensive retrospective by the artist, presenting works spanning various periods, crafted over nearly two decades. The exhibition invites the public into a comprehensive exploration of the themes that have long defined the artist’s research, fusing analytical contemplations on the architecture of exhibition spaces, meticulous design inquiries into the materialization of sound language and the fusion of sculpture, sound, video projection and photography.
Opening: October 28th at 6PM
Location: Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa Palazzetto Tito Dorsoduro 2826, Venice, ITALY
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 12AM – 17PM Free admission